32: My Best Year Yet?

Those of you close to me know that the last few years have been a bit of a wild ride for me with lots of lessons on letting go. Of course, that doesn’t only apply to me…seems like things are changing rapidly within and around all of us. And, it seems like this fast pace of clearing and transformation just keeps getting faster as each month goes by.

I knew July 2011 would be a power month for me not only because it is my birthday month but also because it contains two new moons this year. Double the energy fueling new beginnings in the things most important to a Cancer: home, family, friends, love, security, children and empathetic connections. I wasn’t prepared, however, for the drastic shifts that would occur – making it seem as if I walked through a new door in my life…stepped into the sunlight again and began a new story. I feel relieved, revived and a new sense of freedom.

32 has always been my favorite number (yes, because of Fred Hoiberg), so I’m thinking this year is going to be the best yet. The past 10 years have given me insight into who I really am and why I was creating the old story of my life. I’ve experienced a lot of sadness, loneliness, victimization and grief. But as I turn 32 and look in front of me I see the opportunity to leave my attachment to suffering behind once and for all, and learn new lessons in life…lessons of joy, love, laughter and bliss. Lessons of connection, healing, creativity and intention.

The canvas looks blank right now and I’m excited to discover what’s next as I live my life fully in the present moment of my new story.

Walking with Intention

Have you ever dedicated your morning or evening walk to intention? I have been practicing it lately and I am amazed at the shifts taking place in me and the world around me. When I say I “walk with intention”, what I mean is that I dedicate that time to focusing my mind on positive affirmations – not allowing my mind to wander on its usual wheel of random thoughts. I breathe deeply and connect to my spirit, and then I let the affirmations flow that come to me… saying them over and over in my mind as I walk. If my mind wanders, I bring it back to the affirmation I was last repeating. By the time I finish the walk, I am in a completely different place than I was when I started, and I often have profound insights into my own personal well-being.

Some of the affirmations that have been flowing through me lately sound like this…I am joyful, I am love and I am loved, I am safe, I claim my power, I speak my truth and I set my own boundaries, I am connected to all that is, I release all that is not serving my highest good with ease, I see myself clearly, It is safe to open my heart and share my light with others, I release all fears and doubts, I allow life to flow with ease, I accept change with grace, I recognize that whenever something goes away – the void is replaced with something equal or better in light and love…so I never have to fear losing anything…I have nothing to lose and everything to gain, I release all attachments and I am free.

I could go on and on…they just sort of grow and change throughout the walk…and it shifts me emotionally, physically and spiritually. I highly recommend it! Here’s to breaking down the walls that keep us from living our bliss…one affirmation at a time.

Self-Reliance: Finding Your Own Helping Hand

No one is going to do it for you. You are the only one who can do this for you. You have to take responsibility for where you are in your life, how you feel in this moment and what choices you will make in the next moment. The only way to realize the happy, healthy life you dream about…filled with love, abundance, joy, and laughter…is to stand up and claim it for yourself. Do the work… show up for yourself every single moment of every single day. Recommit, and then commit again… to giving the best to yourself all the time.

Stop being your own worst enemy…in thoughts, in words and in deeds. And start being your biggest fan. Watch as you do this for yourself as your whole world shifts around you – and you become an inspiration to others for them to do the same.

Claim your authentic life. See yourself clearly – and then treat yourself with the respect and love you deserve.

Rock on.
“The wise don’t expect to find life worth living; they make it that way.” -Unknown
“We’re all in this together…alone.” -Lily Tomlin
“It is easier to live life through someone else than to become complete yourself.” -Betty Friedan
“No external advantages can supply self-reliance. The force of one’s being must come from within.” -R.W.C.
“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.” -Swedish Proverb


One year ago this week the world lost someone very special to me. Steven Capitanio was one of my best friends. He understood me better than anyone ever has… without really even trying. He challenged me to be more than I thought I was, reminding me regularly to re-evaluate my goals and set them higher. We almost always had different views on spiritual matters, professional dilemmas and the way we approached relationships in our lives… but through those differences (and arguments) a spark was created that fueled growth – in both of our lives.

Memories flood my mind like images from a movie screen this week as I play back all I experienced while knowing this great friend. I’m thankful for each moment I had with him… studying all of his rocks, watching old black and white movies, cooking amazing dinners, drinking fine wine, discussing alien activity, arguing about the spiritual realm, building warm fires, meditating on points of light, laughing at ourselves, talking for hours about corporate life and professional dreams, lifting each other up when the other was down… a deep friendship. One I will always cherish.

A few weeks before Steve passed he gave me a diamond necklace. The necklace belonged to Mary, his wife that passed away before him. He said he had carried it around in his pocket for years and that he wanted me to have it and wear it as a way to always be connected to both of them.

Today was the first time I could bring myself to put the necklace on… and I am amazed at its beauty. It shines with such bright light and love. Diamonds are special, as are the two people that gave me this necklace. I can feel them beside me, reminding me that I too am a diamond – and I best start acting like it.

I love you Steve and Mary. Thank you for all you have brought to my life experience.